This beautiful pink tree blossomed at my house over the Christmas Holidays. It was a group gift/experience for our family. After the unwrapping, we paid attention to our ‘toys.’ We looked at pictures, clothes, and puzzles. Then we began the science experiments.
First, the tree was put together. Then the feeding solution was mixed. The tree was placed in our friendly forest (a Christmas tray covered with a snowflake cut from parchment paper). Finally, the nourishing liquid was poured on the trees’ roots.
We watched the bark darken as the moisture was drawn up to the branches. Then nothing. We were left with brown damp cardboard. After a while, even paint drying seemed more exciting. The tree was moved to the counter.
Our interests turned to our tie-die adventure. We were all sitting around the table and someone noticed a tiny pink crystal high in the branches. We stopped and gathered and watched. Yes, there was pink, but it did not seem to be increasing. I set up a camera to take Timelapse photos. Even speeded up to the max rate the change in the tree was hard to notice. We went to bed thinking the tree was not going to be much.
The next morning the tree greeted us with resplendent pink attire. Like the reflection basin in Washington DC when the Cherry trees are in blossom, tiny pink petals had fallen at the tree's roots.
The process of growth can be slow, almost unnoticeable, but if you consistently nourish your life in the Spirit of God, God will produce life in you. “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10. Put your roots into the Word of God, draw strength from the Spirit of God, and surround yourself with the people of God and see what God can do in you - the fruit of repentance Mt 3:8, bearing much fruit (John 15:5), the Fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23).